Trainer In a Bag, Equalizer Suspension Trainer, Black, (3000 Series). Made in USA. Trainer In a Bag 3000 Jungle 1/4"
My neighbor had bought
Trainer In a Bag, Equalizer Suspension Trainer, Black, (3000 Series). Made in USA. Trainer In a Bag 3000 Jungle 1/4" used from the Internet. I took them very much. I have a great product. Trainer In a Bag, Equalizer Suspension Trainer, Black, (3000 Series). Made in USA. Trainer In a Bag 3000 Jungle 1/4" is recommended that people get to know them, including my own. Which I do not regret
Trainer In a Bag, Equalizer Suspension Trainer, Black, (3000 Series). Made in USA. Trainer In a Bag 3000 Jungle 1/4" at all. And it's because I'm good. There are affordable. Trainer In a Bag, Equalizer Suspension Trainer, Black, (3000 Series). Made in USA. Trainer In a Bag 3000 Jungle 1/4" can answer this very well, ever. If you can read more about Ian's it from me to write. Do not forget that it is a very good product.
- The Portable Cam Buckle Rope Suspension Training System is made in the USA. The system comes with two adjustable cam buckles to easily adjust the height of the workout, one lark's knot loop door anchor and one anywhere cam buckle strap. You also receive a 8 by 12 inch drawstring bag to store your workout system after your workout.
- You can anchor the system by using the 3/16" Lark's Knot Rope Door Anchor or use the 8 ft. Anywhere Cam Buckle Strap attaches to any vertical or horizontal fixtures such as a tree trunk or tree branch.
- The new trainer is rated up to 800 pounds.
- We make the system and you design the workout. If you want to complete your Rope Suspension Trainer you would need to purchase one of the many training programs that are currently offered on Amazon. Else you can go to one of the many web sites out there that give free instructions on how to perform the different types of suspension exercises.
- Build body strengthening with your own weight. Very portable and easy to use and very adjustable. Perfect for beginners to expert.
The door anchor is made with spectra cord that has a 3,000 pound breaking weight. (3,000 X 2 = 6,000 pounds). The high tech cords are starting to take the place of steel cable.
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